Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

Practice areas

Corporate & Commercial Law
Energy & Natural Resources
Mergers & Acquisitions/Privatisations
Shipping, Aviation & Transport Law
Insurance Law

Andrei is an experienced practitioner in the Corporate and M&A and Energy & Natural Resources fields with a focus on project sale/acquisition, mergers & divestitures, cross border transactions, joint ventures and negotiation of various commercial contracts.

His multidisciplinary expertise in the corporate governance and energy sectors alike, alongside with his problem solving and result oriented approach have enabled Andrei to expediently carve-out a path amongst the already seasoned practitioners.

In addition to his transactional work, Andrei is also constantly advising international and domestic clients on a full range of matters related to various commercial agreements and general corporate/organizational matters pertaining to the day to day operation of the Romanian entities such as shareholders agreements, corporate restructurings, management/boards related reorganizations, as well as on other sensitive corporate aspects in a variety of contexts.

His diverse practice also focuses on aviation deals, preponderantly the sale/purchase of executive jets and “dry lease” of commercial airliners.

  • Studies
  • Spoken languages
  • Qualifications & Career
  • Mandates
  • Affiliations
  • Awards
  • Legal experience: 17 years
  • Legal experience within Mușat & Asociații: 13 years
  • Partner: 2022 – to date
  • Managing Associate: 2017 – 2021
  • Senior Associate: 2012 – 2017
  • (2021) – Expert in public procurement, Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity & Ministry of National Education
  • (2010) – Fully qualified lawyer, Bucharest Bar
  • (2008) – Admitted as lawyer, Bucharest Bar
(2007) – LL.B, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Law
  • English
  • Italian
  • Romanian

Assisted a leading German retailer in the field of FMCG in various energy related projects, such as installation of its own electricity production units on the rooftops of its retail stores, installation of electrical stations for recharge of electric vehicles, securing of various endorsements for the purpose of operating such, as well as for related operations for ensuring predictable energy supply on their entire retail network in Romania caused by the recent energy crisis as well as the conflict near Romanian borders, such as interactions with energy regulators and multiple rounds of negotiation with energy suppliers to secure stability of network supply.

Assisted the global leading online retailer, in connection with a wide array of corporate and compliance legal matters, including the set up and expansion of its software development center in Iasi, reorganization and partial transfer of operations to a new Romanian entity within the same group, as well as the strategic reorganization of the company.

Assisted a global manager of alternative investment products, for private and institutional clients, founded in Bahrain in 1982, with offices in United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, India, China and Singapore and a 34.2 billion USD value of assets under management, in connection with the takeover of the 100% stake in one of the Europe’s leading centres of excellence in the field of software development, continuously active on the Romanian market since 1998, with over 400 employees.

Assisted a leading German multinational wholesale (cash & carry) group, in connection with a business transfer for IT outsourcing purposes (including IT infrastructure, employees, etc.) to a specialist IT service provider. The mandate included an insightful assessment on the best option to implement the transfer of assets and employees in the context of a multinational transaction.

Assisted an important Romanian pharmaceutical distributor, in connection with the acquisition of the 100% of the shares of one of the largest and most esteemed pharma products distributor in Romania. The process involved a full due diligence exercise on all areas of practice as well as a tight coordination with purchaser’s tax counsel retained for this acquisition. Aside from the above, considering the particularities of the project and the cross-border impact of such, the process further involved coordinating various legal and tax counsels abroad in order to effect and implement the procedural steps.

Assisted a global leader in technology and engineering in connection with its spinoff of its business, as well as the restructuring of its portfolio, including several of its assets located in Romania, followed by their transfer under a multi-jurisdictional transaction for the amount of approximately USD 1.2 billion.

Assisted one of the largest Romanian electricity producer, distributor and supplier on several highly confidential strategic development projects, including performing a comprehensive legal due diligence in respect to a group of companies which includes an important player on the Romanian energy market and assisting the client in the subsequent transactional negotiations.

Assisted a global leader in the parcel distribution in connection with the implementation, in Romania, of its worldwide acquisition of one of its global competitors and its integration into the local business and post-closing matters, including the merger by absorption (with a cross border element), shareholding transfers, share capital increases, management changes, rebranding, regulatory support triggered by the change of control matters and group restructuring.

  • Member of the Romanian Bar Association, since 2008
  • Awarded Top Lawyer in Energy and Natural Resources at the Top Lawyer Awards Gala 2024, organized by Finmedia and Financial Market magazine
  • Nominated as Rising Star Partner, in the field of Corporate Law/Mergers & Acquisitions, IFLR 1000, 2023
  • Nominated as Next Generation Partner, in the field of Corporate Law/Mergers & Acquisitions, Legal 500, 2023
  • Nominated as Rising Star Associate, in the field of Corporate Law/Mergers & Acquisitions, Legal 500, 2021