Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

Muşat & Asociații assisted Emerson in the sale of the Leroy – Somer and Control Techniques divisions to Nidec Corporation

Bucharest, 16 February 2017:   Mușat & Asociații consolidates its collaboration with Emerson by the assistance provided to Emerson Oradea S.R.L., one of the Romanian subsidiaries of Emerson Electric, world leader in the field of production and technology, in respect of the separation of the activities related to the...

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Muşat & Asociaţii, alongside Emerson in the transfer of the Emerson Network Power business

Bucharest, 14 December 2016  – Mușat & Asociații assisted Emerson S.R.L., the Romanian subsidiary of Emerson Electric, one of the global players in the manufacturing and technology sector, in respect of the separation of the activity of Emerson Network Power for the purpose of its transfer to the American investment fund...

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Bucharest Court of Appeal cancels the decision of the Competition Council to sanction a concerted practice in the field of weapons

Bucharest, 6 December 2016 – Bucharest Court of Appeal (CAB) – 8th Administrative and Fiscal Dispute Division admitted the motion of Sig Sauer GmbH & Co KG to annul Competition Council Decision no. 44/2014, by which Sig Sauer was sanctioned by civil fine in amount of over RON 7 million. The German company...

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Bucharest Tribunal issues the first preliminary injunction for the cessation and provisional prohibition of unfair competition deeds meant to divert customers by using trade secrets

Bucharest, 29 November 2016 – Bucharest Tribunal (TMB) – 6th Civil Division, admitted, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 para. (3) of Law No. 11/1991 on the repression of unfair competition, a motion for issuing a preliminary injunction by which it provisionally ordered the cessation of the deeds meant to divert...

Mușat & Asociații, a new victory for Societatea Română de Televiziune

Bucharest, 20 October 2016 – Societatea Română de Televiziune, represented by Mușat & Asociații, has finally won the trial initiated by a natural person who requested the court to restore the ownership right on the land on which Televiziunea Română is located. After more than 5 years from the outset of the trial...

Mușat & Asociații wins notable success for the Financial Supervisory Authority against Fondul Proprietatea S.A.

Bucharest, 5th of October 2016 – The Financial Supervisory Authority, represented by Mușat & Asociații, has won the court action that the Property Fund initiated in the attempt to obtain the Authority’s approval for changing the fee agreed with the Fund manager, Franklin Templeton Investment Management Ltd. The dispute was...

Mușat & Asociații salutes the completion of the investigation in the case file concerning the death of the dissident Gheorghe Ursu

Bucharest, 2nd of August 2016: Over the past years, Mușat & Asociații stood by Mr. Andrei Ursu in his steps, supporting, along with his team of lawyers, the efforts of the Official Prosecutor’s Office to shed light on the circumstances of the death of his father. “The legal arguments and the evidence made available to...