Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

The lack of a consistent strategy in the forestry industry blocks major investments

Muşat & Asociaţii and the Forest Owners Association of Romania PROFOREST have recently organized the roundtable “Sustainable Forestry – a Green Challenge?”, which brought into discussion current issues concerning the Romanian forest industry and development opportunities of the forest sector on the local market.

„A large number of corporations with a vast experience and proven track record in the forestry industry in other European countries had shown their interest for investing in this sector in Romania, yet many of them blocked their major investment plans, due to the lack of a consistent strategy of the Government entailing a specific classification of the forest protected areas as well as the legal framework for the forestry infrastructure”, says Mona Muşat, Co-Managing Partner Muşat & Asociaţii.

At the „Sustainable Forestry – a Green Challenge?” roundtable have been discussed hot issues related to the forest management in Romania, the participants elaborating solutions for the development strategy of the forest sector, the strategic approach in planning and managing protected areas and human resources development for forestry operations. At the event, the discussions were joined by representatives of the Ministry of Environment, National Forestry Company (Romsilva), as well as local authorities and professional associations active in this field, alongside private forest owners and distinguished experts from the academic community.

“A strategic approach of the forest sector in Romania is extremely necessary, by setting a long term plan aimed at increasing the technical and human resources performances in this sector, while efforts in this respect should be pursued by both authorities and private forest owners”, says Zoltan A. Kosy, President of Forest Owners Association of Romania PROFOREST and Country Manager, Tornator. PROFOREST was established by seven private forest owners that possess 85,000 ha of forest lands, namely: Scolopax, Cascade Empire, Tornator, Silvirom Timber Comandita, Campo d’Oro, Roy Chowdhury family and Midgard Investments.

„As upholders of private investors, we are glad to have organized this event that brought together high profile investors in this sector and representatives of the local and national authorities, smoothing the dialogue between the participants in the system”, adds Mona Musat.

Muşat & Asociaţii is constantly involved in supporting the local business community by organizing seminars on up-to-date subjects in various economic sectors. Among the recent events organized by Muşat & Asociaţii we may mention: Processing Risk Information within The Credit Bureau. Projects and Legal Solutions, Focus on Renewable Energy, Corporate Fraud: Prevention, Detection and Legal actions or Raising Equity and Finding Financial or Strategic Partners.