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Mușat & Asociații advises lenders on financing the acquisition of several companies in the B2B distribution market by private equity firm FSN Capital

Mușat & Asociații successfully advised the syndicate of banks comprised of Jefferies Finance LLC, J. P. Morgan and Danske Bank A/S, as lenders, on the Romanian law aspects involving the Romanian company BFG Packaging SRL, as part of the EUR 650 million financing of the multijurisdictional acquisition of four companies in the business-to-business (“B2B”) distribution market, by certain entities controlled by FSN Capital, a leading Northern European private equity firm. As part of the transaction, the fund acquired Swedish-based Optigroup AB and also Dutch companies Hygas BV and Trias Productie Holding BV.

FSN Capital is a leading Northern European private equity firm established in 1999 and investment advisor to the FSN Capital Funds, with €4 billion under management.

OptiGroup is a leading European B2B distribution Group mainly active in the Nordic region. The Group offers tailored supply solutions to customers in the cleaning & facility management, hotel & restaurant, healthcare, and manufacturing industries.

Hygas Group is a leading Benelux supplier of hygiene products, medical disposable products, protective equipment and services, and packaging materials for a wide range of industries.

Together, OptiGroup and Hygas have combined revenues of around EUR 1.3 billion and will serve more than 100,000 customers in 20 countries via 70 distribution centers.

Hygas Group includes the affiliated companies BFG Packaging SRL and Trias Productie Holding BV. Romanian company BFG Packaging SRL manufactures high quality food packaging, primarily focused on the catering and food processing sectors. Dutch Trias Productie Holding are stock-keeping wholesalers of packaging tapes, stretch- and wrapping films as well as various other packaging materials for customers.

The Mușat & Asociații team was coordinated by Partner Monia Dobrescu, working together with Managing Associate Mădălina Trifan, Senior Associate Cristian Cepeși and Associate Evelina Stoian.