Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

Musat & Asociatii leads the IFLR rankings in Mergers and acquisitions, Banking and Project finance

Muşat & Asociaţii continues to lead the IFLR 1000 (International Financial Law Review 1000) rankings in Mergers and acquisitions, Banking and Project finance, being also recommended for its activity in Capital markets.

“IFLR 1000 rankings are one of the most renowned and appreciated world-wide and our constant presence in the top tier honours us and strengthens our status as specialists in the banking & finance field. Although the last years have been marked by a reduced activity on the mergers and acquisitions market, as well as by a growing cautiousness of banks and investors in starting new projects, Musat & Asociatii has remained an active player, being involved in some of the most reverberating and complex transactions in this sector”, said Mona Musat, Co-Managing Partner Muşat & Asociaţii.

Along with the law firms’ ranking, the British publication also recommends the top experts in these areas of practice, five of our partners being qualified as “leading lawyers”: Gheorghe Muşat (Mergers and acquisitions), Mona Muşat (Project finance), Cătălin Băiculescu (Mergers and acquisitions, Banking), Miruna Suciu (Capital markets, Mergers and acquisitions) and Iuliana Craiciu (Capital markets).

IFLR 1000, the legal publication specialized on banking and finance, analyzes the Romanian market in four areas of practice: mergers & acquisitions, banking, capital markets and project finance. The research made by the British specialists have considered criteria related to the quality of the legal act, analyzing the innovation exhibited in approaching the legal projects, the complexity of the consultancy activity, the cross-border experience, the capacity to provide legal assistance at international standards, as well as feedback received from clients, one of whom stating that “Musat & Asociatii has always exceeded our expectations, each time we asked for their advice. It is one of the few full service law firms in Romania, having the qualification and knowledge necessary to offer integrated legal assistance”.

Musat & Asociatii’s ranking in the top tier adds up to the prestigious award “National Law Firm of The Year 2011”, offered by IFLR, our firm being the first Romanian law firm ever to receive such a distinction. Furthermore, Musat & Asociatii has also been awarded “Romania Law Firm of the Year 2011” by the renowned legal guide Chambers & Partners at the “Chambers Europe Awards for Excellence 2011” ceremony, due to its remarkable performance on the local legal market in the past year.