Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

Mușat & Asociații hosted a round table dedicated to e-privacy topics. Facebook experts were guest speakers

Bucharest, 12th November 2018 – MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII hosted the first of a series of round table events centred on privacy topics and invited experts from Facebook to share their experience as regards GDPR & e-Privacy and their implementation approach.

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Mușat & Asociații expands its team with 7 new lawyers and opens 14 new positions in developing areas of expertise

Bucharest, September 26th 2018: MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII significantly expands its IP, Litigation & Arbitration, Data Protection and Cyber Security, Labour Law and Restructuring & Insolvency teams by co-opting 7 lawyers and opening 14 new positions for the following period of 2018.

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Bucharest Tribunal anticipates a ruling of the European Court of Justice delivered in the field of intellectual property rights regarding the standing to bring legal proceedings of an entity for the collective representation of multiple right holders. The lawyers from Mușat & Asociații advised the claimant.

On 28 June 2018, the Bucharest Tribunal ruled on an application for interlocutory injunction by firstly ruling through Judgment no. 1557/2018 on the standing to bring legal proceedings of an anti-piracy agency mandated by several holders of copyright and neighbouring rights to initiate proceedings in their name and on their behalf.

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Internship – recently regulated under the Romanian Law By Anca Vătășoiu, Managing Associate at Mușat & Asociații

A novelty to the Romanian labour legislation is brought by the provisions of the recently published Law no. 176/2018 on internship (the “Internship Law”) which shall enter into force as of 18th August 2018.

Amendments to Law no. 202/2002 on the equality of chances and treatment between women and men By Anca Vătășoiu, Managing Associate at Mușat & Asociații

Law no. 202/2002 on the equality of chances and treatment between women and men has been recently amended by Law no. 178/2018, respectively Law no. 232/2018.

MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII litigation team succeeds to maintain the classification as a historical monument for “Vasile Alecsandri” Memorial House from Bacau

Bucharest, 21 June 2018: The litigation team of MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII law firm won in court, by a final ruling, a case with special cultural resonance after supporting “Vasile Alecsandri” Cultural and Scientific Society from Bacau and the Ministry of Culture and National Identity in maintaining the classification as historical monument for “Vasile Alecsandri” Memorial House.

Mușat & Asociații: The number of client matters in the field of personal data protection has doubled compared to the previous year

Bucharest, 19.06.2018: International companies, as well as top-ranked domestic companies activating in various sectors, such as: pharmaceutical, retail, white goods, automotive and TMT sectors, are assisted and represented by lawyers of MUȘAT & ASOCIAȚII, both within complex projects, such as the implementation at the company level of the whole set of measures necessary to comply with GDPR, as well as within specific projects concerning the improvement or remediation of internal processes