Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

Musat & Asociatii, part of the winning consortium for selection of investors in Tarnita-Lapustesti Hydropower project

Musat & Asociatii has been selected, as part of an international consortium, to assist the Ministry of Economy and the state-owned energy producer Hidroelectrica in the process of selection investors for the Tarnita-Lapustesti pumped-storage hydropower plant. This green field project entails an intended installed capacity of 1,000 MW and an investment...

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Musat & Asociatii is Actively Involved in Fighting the Phenomenon of Child Exploitation on the Internet

Musat & Asociatii participated last week at the reunion of the Advisory Group of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), hosted by Microsoft Romania. The event brought together representatives of government institutions (Police, the Public Ministry, SECI – Southeast European Cooperation Initiative) and nongovernmental...

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The International Law Office: More guidance, less bureaucracy: amendments signal preventive approach

The International Law Office: More guidance, less bureaucracy: amendments signal preventive approach

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Muşat & Asociaţii assisted Petrofac in one of the biggest transactions carried out in the local oil industry

Muşat & Asociaţii assisted Petrofac, one of the major international players in the oil industry services, included in the FTSE 100 Index and listed on the London Stock Exchange with the symbol (PEC), in taking over the oil drilling operations in the Ţicleni area. Further to the agreement, concluded for a period of 15 years, Petrofac will manage...

The New Amendments to the Competition Law are focused on prevention of anti-competitive practices

The recent amendments to the Competition Law brought by the Government Emergency Ordinance 75/2010 clearly enlarge the list of sanctions to which an economic agent exposes itself when adopting a behavior which is contrary to the Competition Law. However, alongside a better involvement of the competition authority in...

Gheorghe Buta Is the New Head of the Litigation & Arbitration Department

Gheorghe Buta, former President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice – the Commercial Division, has joined the management structure of Muşat & Asociaţii and will coordinate the Litigation & Arbitration department, consisting of 20 lawyers, 4 of them being partners. With an impressive expertise of more than 30 years...

Muşat & Asociaţii listed among the law firms recommended by FTSE Eurotop 100 for Chambers & Partners

Muşat & Asociaţii is the sole Romanian law firm featured in the Euro 100 Survey 2010 published by the prestigious British legal publisher Chambers & Partners in the latest issue of Chambers Magazine, based on the recommendations received from the 100 most highly capitalized blue-chip companies in Europe (FTSE Eurotop 100). Muşat & Asociaţii received two...