Doing Business in Romania
20th edition 2018
“Doing Business in Romania”® provides a comprehensive view of the Romanian legal framework from the perspective of the business environment, representing a valuable and unique instrument for companies and investors eager to start doing business in Romania.
Available in English, “Doing Business in Romania”® includes a thorough analysis structured on areas of interest such as mergers & acquisitions, privatizations, banking, energy & natural resources, company law, competition, intellectual property, telecommunications & IT, labour law, fiscal law, capital markets, real estate law, environmental law, as well as in litigations & commercial arbitrations.
“Doing Business in Romania”® is a duly registered trademark belonging to Muşat & Asociaţii, conferring exclusive rights therein, including the right to prohibit by civil and criminal means any unauthorized third party from using this trademark in the course of trade in any manner which impinges on the rights of Muşat & Asociaţii as trademark proprietor.