Mușat & Asociații este întotdeauna cu un pas înainte în ceea ce privește evoluția cadrului legislativ și a mediului de afaceri, anticipând nevoile clienților și acționând că un deschizător de drumuri în domeniu.

(English) Coronavirus: Real Estate Update

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1. Urgent legal measures requiring enforcement in the construction field

Having in view the constraints and economic implications expected to affect the construction field as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the Employers’ Federation of Building Companies – FPSC – has requested the Romanian Government to undertake urgent legal measures for the benefit of investors, developers and the construction workers such as fiscal indemnifications and exemptions, prolongation of loan payments and exemptions from the related interest throughout the duration of the crisis.

Moreover, the construction sector has to face de facto problems due to the restrictions imposed by the Romanian Government which are likely to impact the development of projects and also require urgent legal solutions, such as: (i) the impossibility to prolong the term of the building permits or to obtain the issuance of new permits due to the lack of a working personnel within relevant local authorities; (ii) the impossibility to guard the construction sites given that the authorized security companies may be unable to perform their contracts; (iii) additional costs that are to be incurred for conservation of works, and (iv) difficulties in obtaining funds to continue the development of the projects and perform the payments of their employees due to the economic context.


2. Tax relief measures. State of emergency certificate

The Romanian Government has enacted certain measures designated to either postpone the payment of certain taxes (e.g., land and buildings taxes) or to grant discounts in case of early payment of taxes.

Furthermore, additional measures (including fiscal facilities) are expected to be taken for the benefit of companies that obtain a “state of emergency certificate”. These facilities would include: postponement of rent payment for the premises representing registered offices and / or secondary establishments, postponement of payment of utilities, possibility to renegotiate certain contracts.

Also, force majeure clauses in contracts concluded by small-medium enterprises holding such state of emergency certificate may be activated only after the attempt to renegotiate the respective contract (aspect that has to be proven, including with electronic communications).

3. Certain legal and contractual instruments aimed at assisting parties during this period

A. Possibility to invoke force majeure in ongoing contracts (such as lease agreements)

COVID-19 pandemic may be analyzed as a force majeure event, with the possibility of being invoked, under certain conditions, by a party who is unable to observe its contractual obligations due to such event, in order to be exonerated of liability. Thus, if successfully activated under a contract, force majeure may be granting parties the suspension, postponement or discharge with respect to their contractual obligations which are subsequent to the occurrence of the force majeure and as long as such event lasts. However, if a party wishes to activate a force majeure clause under a contract or invoke a force majeure event, the said party must observe the conditions and procedure provided under the Civil Code and relevant contract (e.g., obtaining the certification issued in this respect by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce, ascertaining that an event invoked by a party is truly a force majeure event).

B. Possibility to invoke hardship 

If still available (as parties usually waive the option to make use of such legal provision via express clauses under the contract), hardship is an useful tool for adapting a contract when the execution of such contract becomes excessively onerous due to exceptional circumstances which, however, are not determining the absolute impossibility to continue the execution of the contract (e.g., in cases where a tenant still has the possession over the leased premises, and, thus, is still forced to pay rent, although its commercial activity has diminished considerably).

Nonetheless, certain conditions provided under the law must be observed in order to successfully invoke hardship (e.g., the change of circumstances have taken place after the conclusion of the contract; the parties have tried, within a reasonable term and in good faith, to negotiate the reasonable and fair adaptation of the contract). However, should the parties not be in agreement with respect to the hardship, they may address a court of law in order to either (i) adapt the contract in order to balance the contractual obligations; or (ii) terminate the contract.

Important notice:

Beware of Fraudulent Emails

We have been informed that some of you have recently received unsolicited emails from a fake email address claiming to represent our law firm. We would like to emphasize that these messages do not come from us and have nothing to do with our work. For your safety, please do not open these emails and do not provide any personal or confidential information.

If you have received such messages, we recommend that you report them as spam and contact us directly at the official email address ( or at our phone number -

We are looking very seriously into this situation and are investigating it together with the competent authorities to prevent such incidents in the future. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Anunț important

Atenție la Emailuri Fictive

Am fost informați că, recent, unii dintre voi ați primit emailuri nesolicitate de la o adresă de email falsă care pretinde a reprezenta firma noastră de avocatură. Dorim să subliniem că aceste mesaje nu provin de la noi și nu au nicio legătură cu activitatea noastră. Pentru siguranța dumneavoastră, vă rugăm să nu deschideți aceste emailuri și să nu furnizați informații personale sau confidențiale.

Dacă ați primit astfel de mesaje, vă recomandăm să le raportați ca spam și să ne contactați direct la adresa oficială de email ( sau la numărul nostru de telefon -

Luăm foarte în serios această situație și investigăm împreună cu autoritățile competente pentru a preveni astfel de incidente pe viitor. Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere și colaborare!